Error Messages
Sending an Invalid XML Request to the Fortune3 Shopping Cart API will result in an error message being returned. Error messages are typically sent inside an XML tag within the response, accompanied by another tag describing the error. For example, sending improper API credentials will result in:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <F3XML> <F3XMLRs> <Error>Authentication Failed</Error> <ErrorDescription>Please check the API Username and Password from the Fortune3 Admin Site</ErrorDescription> </F3XMLRs> </F3XML>
Errors in your XML syntax will be descriptive for easy debugging:
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <F3XML> <F3XMLRs> <Error>There is an error in your XML Syntax</Error> <ErrorDescription>mismatched tag at line 7, column 2, byte 170 </ErrorDescription> </F3XMLRs> </F3XML>