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OrderStatusQueryRs (Response)

Posting a proper OrderStatusQueryRq request will result in the output of the requested information in a simple print format (read with stdin). The OrderStatusQueryRs is the response to the OrderStatusQueryRq request and contains status details for the requested orders.

Sample Response (2 orders):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<OrderStatusQueryRs RequestID="1">
		<OrderDate>2011-03-29 11:46:25</OrderDate>
				<ShipDate>2011-04-01 10:22:12</ShipDate>
		<SpecialInstructions>Please send as soon as possible, thank you</SpecialInstructions>
				<Date>2011-03-29 11:46:25</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorizing for 955.09</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 11:46:25</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorized: "000/APPROVED(BE10KK443982) (#BE10KK443982)."</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-04-01 10:22:12</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Shipping Status Changed to shipped</StatusDescription>
		<OrderDate>2011-03-29 12:02:55</OrderDate>
		<SpecialInstructions>Anyone in Company can Sign</SpecialInstructions>
				<Date>2011-03-29 12:02:55</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorizing for 1247.89</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 12:02:55</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorized: "000/APPROVED(RN50YU841293) (#RN50YU841293)."</StatusDescription>

Response Fields

Tag Name Sub-Tag Of Description Returned Field Type Can Repeat
Order OrderStatusQueryRs Each Order's Node Always Node True
OrderID Order The Order ID (F3 Identifier) Always Number False
OrderStatus Order The Order's Current Status Always String:
* authorized
* preauthorized
* shipped
* partialship
* backorder
* open
* receivepay
* pending
* delivered
* failed
* voided
* incremented
* refunded
ShippingBoxes Order Node for Shipping Boxes Always Node False
Box ShippingBoxes Node for Each Shipping Box Always Node True
Length Box The Box's Length Always Number False
Width Box The Box's Width Always Number False
Height Box The Box's Height Always Number False
Weight Box The Box's Weight Always Number False
TrackingNumber Box The Box's Tracking Number * If Assigned String False
Carrier Box The Carrier for the Tracking Number * If Tracking Number Exists String False
ShipDate Box The Date of the Shipment in EST
Time Zone (New York)
* If Tracking Number Exists Date
Format: “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”
Sample: “2011-04-16 12:32:57”
SpecialInstructions Order The Order's Special Instructions Always String False
StatusHistory Order Node for Order's Status History Always Node False
StatusInfo StatusHistory Node for Each Status Always Node True
Status StatusHistory The Status Always String:
* authorized
* preauthorized
* shipped
* partialship
* backorder
* open
* receivepay
* pending
* delivered
* failed
* voided
* incremented
* refunded
Date StatusHistory The Status Date in EST
Time Zone (New York)
Always Date
Format: “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”
Sample: “2011-04-16 12:32:57”
StatusDescription StatusHistory A Description of the Status Always String False
Amount StatusHistory The Amount of the Status Change * If Status Change
is New Amount
Amount False