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OrderQueryRs (Response)

Posting a proper OrderQueryRq request will result in the output of the requested information in a simple print format (read with stdin). The OrderQueryRs is the response to the OrderQueryRq request and contains all details for the requested orders.

Sample Response (2 orders):

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<OrderQueryRs RequestID="1">
		<OrderDate>2011-03-29 11:46:25</OrderDate>
		<ShippingMethod>Priority Mail</ShippingMethod>
				<ShipDate>2011-04-01 10:22:12</ShipDate>
			<Name>Michael A Douglas</Name>
        		<HowDidYouHearOfUs>Magazine Ad</HowDidYouHearOfUs>
			<Name>Michael A Douglas</Name>
			<Addr1>11433 Arvida Rd</Addr1>
			<Name>Michael A Douglas</Name>
			<Addr1>11433 Arvida Rd</Addr1>
		<SpecialInstructions>Please send as soon as possible, thank you</SpecialInstructions>
				<Name>Sony 46' LED LCD 320 Mhz Television</Name>
				<CartDescription>SKU: AB1282 Sony 46' LED LCD 320 Mhz Television</CartDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 11:46:25</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorizing for 955.09</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 11:46:25</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorized: "000/APPROVED(BE10KK443982) (#BE10KK443982)."</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-04-01 10:22:12</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Shipping Status Changed to shipped</StatusDescription>
		<OrderDate>2011-03-29 12:02:55</OrderDate>
		<ShippingMethod>UPS 3 Day Select</ShippingMethod>
			<Name>Steven Thomason</Name>
			<Name>Steven Thomason</Name>
			<Addr1>918 NE 219th Circle</Addr1>
			<Name>Steven Thomason</Name>
			<Company>Elite Mosaics</Company>
			<Addr1>2192 East Langdon Road</Addr1>
		<SpecialInstructions>Anyone in Company can Sign</SpecialInstructions>
				<Name>Panasonic 50' Plasma 640 Mhz 3D TV</Name>
				<CartDescription>SKU: NV89KG Panasonic 50' Plasma 640 Mhz 3D TV</CartDescription>
				<Name>Panasonic 3D Blue-Ray Player</Name>
				<CartDescription>SKU: PN11BR Panasonic 3D Blue-Ray Player</CartDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 12:02:55</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorizing for 1247.89</StatusDescription>
				<Date>2011-03-29 12:02:55</Date>
				<StatusDescription>Authorized: "000/APPROVED(RN50YU841293) (#RN50YU841293)."</StatusDescription>

Response Fields

Tag Name Sub-Tag Of Description Returned Field Type Can Repeat
Order OrderQueryRs Each Order's Node Always Node True
OrderID Order The Order ID (F3 Identifier) Always Number False
OrderDate Order The Date when the Order was Placed
in EST Time Zone (New York)
Always Date
Format: “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”
Sample: “2011-04-16 12:32:57”
OrderTotal Order The Order's Total Amount Always Amount False
OrderSubTotal Order The Order's Sub-Total Amount (items only) Always Amount False
IPAddress Order The Order's Origin IP Address Always String False
PaymentMethod Order The Order's Payment Method Always String False
PaymentAuthorization Order The Order's Authorization ID * If Present (card processed) String False
PONumber Order The Order's Purchase Order # Always String False
OrderStatus Order The Order's Current Status Always String:
* authorized
* preauthorized
* shipped
* partialship
* backorder
* open
* receivepay
* pending
* delivered
* failed
* voided
* incremented
* refunded
ShippingMethod Order The Order's Selected Shipping Method Always String False
ShippingCode Order The Order's Shipping Method Code Always String False
ShippingAmount Order The Order's Shipping Cost (paid by customer) Always Amount False
ShippingBoxes Order Node for Shipping Boxes Always Node False
Box ShippingBoxes Node for Each Shipping Box Always Node True
F3BoxID Box The Box's Internal ID Always Number False
Length Box The Box's Length Always Number False
Width Box The Box's Width Always Number False
Height Box The Box's Height Always Number False
Weight Box The Box's Weight Always Number False
TrackingNumber Box The Box's Tracking Number * If Assigned String False
Carrier Box The Carrier for the Tracking Number * If Tracking Number Exists String False
ShipDate Box The Date of the Shipment in EST
Time Zone (New York)
* If Tracking Number Exists Date
Format: “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”
Sample: “2011-04-16 12:32:57”
TaxAmount Order The Order's Tax Amount Always Amount False
DiscountAmount Order The Order's Discount Amount Always Amount False
SurchargeAmount Order The Order's Surcharge Amount Always Amount False
CustomerRef Order Node for Customer Reference Always Node False
CustomerID CustomerRef The Customer ID Always Number False
Name CustomerRef The Customer's Name Always String False
EmailAddress CustomerRef The Customer's Email Address Always String False
CustomerType CustomerRef The Customer Type Field Always String:
“Fortune 1000”
PriceLevel CustomerRef The Customer's Assigned Price Level Always String:
“Price Level 1”
“Price Level 2”
“Price Level 3”
“Price Level 4”
“Price Level 5”
TaxExempt CustomerRef Defines if the Customer is Tax Exempt Always Boolean:
CustomFields Order Node for Custom Checkout Fields
in the Final Step
*If Enabled Node False
$CustomField Order→CustomFields Any Custom Checkout Fields
in the Final Step
*If Enabled String False
BillingAddress Order Node for the Order's Billing Address Always Node False
Name BillingAddress The Billing Address Name Always String False
Company BillingAddress The Billing Address Name Always String False
Addr1 BillingAddress The Billing Address Line 1 Always String False
Addr2 BillingAddress The Billing Address Line 2 Always String False
City BillingAddress The Billing Address Ciry Always String False
State BillingAddress The Billing Address State (Full Name) Always String False
PostalCode BillingAddress The Billing Address Zip/Postal Code Always String False
Country BillingAddress The Billing Address Country Code Always String False
CommercialAddr BillingAddress The Billing Address Commercial Address Indicator Always Boolean:
Phone BillingAddress The Billing Address Phone # Always String False
CompanyPhone BillingAddress The Billing Address Company Phone # Always String False
Fax BillingAddress The Billing Address Fax # Always String False
CustomFields BillingAddress Node for Custom Checkout Fields
in the Billing Address
*If Enabled Node False
$CustomField BillingAddress→CustomFields Any Custom Checkout Fields
in the Billing Address
*If Enabled String False
ShippingAddress Order Node for the Order's Shipping Address Always Node False
Name ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Name Always String False
Company ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Name Always String False
Addr1 ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Line 1 Always String False
Addr2 ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Line 2 Always String False
City ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Ciry Always String False
State ShippingAddress The Shipping Address State (Full Name) Always String False
PostalCode ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Zip/Postal Code Always String False
Country ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Country Code Always String False
CommercialAddr ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Commercial Address Indicator Always Boolean:
Phone ShippingAddress The Shipping Address Phone # Always String False
CustomFields ShippingAddress Node for Custom Checkout Fields
in the Shipping Address
*If Enabled Node False
$CustomField ShippingAddress→CustomFields Any Custom Checkout Fields
in the Shipping Address
*If Enabled String False
SpecialInstructions Order The Order's Special Instructions Always String False
Items Order Node for Items in Order Always Node False
Item Items Node for Each Item in Order Always Node True
SKU Item The Item's SKU Identifier Always String False
Name Item The Item's Name Always String False
Quantity Item The Item's Ordered Qty Always Number False
Price Item The Item's Price (in this order) Always Amount False
SetupFee Item The Item's Setup Fee (in this order) * If Setup Fee Exists in Item Amount False
Amount Item The Item's Total Amount (Price * Qty) Always Amount False
CartDescription Item The Item's Cart Description Always String False
F3ID Item The Internal ID for the Item Always Number False
Options Item Node for Options in this Item * If Options Exist in Item Node False
Option Options Node for Each Option Set Item Always Node True
OptionCategory Option The Option Category
(or Group of Options Name)
Always String False
OptionSelected Option The Selected Option's Name Always String False
OptionSKU Option The Selected Option's SKU Always String False
OptionPrice Option The Selected Option's Price * If Price Exists Amount False
PromoCodes Order Node for Promo Codes in Order * If Promo Codes Used Node False
PromoCode PromoCodes Promo Code Used Always String True
GiftCertificates Order Node for Gift Certificates in Order * If Gift Certificate Used Node False
GiftCertificate GiftCertificates Node for Each Gift Certiciate Used Always Node True
CertificateNum GiftCertificate Gift Certificate Number / Code Used Always String False
Amount GiftCertificate Amount of Gift Certificate Always Amount False
StatusHistory Order Node for Order's Status History Always Node False
StatusInfo StatusHistory Node for Each Status Always Node True
Status StatusHistory The Status Always String:
* authorized
* preauthorized
* shipped
* partialship
* backorder
* open
* receivepay
* pending
* delivered
* failed
* voided
* incremented
* refunded
Date StatusHistory The Status Date in EST
Time Zone (New York)
Always Date
Format: “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”
Sample: “2011-04-16 12:32:57”
StatusDescription StatusHistory A Description of the Status Always String False
Amount StatusHistory The Amount of the Status Change * If Status Change
is New Amount
Amount False