====== ProductQueryRs (Response) ====== Posting a proper ProductQueryRq request will result in the output of the requested information in a simple print format (read with stdin). The ProductQueryRs is the response to the ProductQueryRq request and contains all product details for the requested products, including all of the product's fields and settings, its options, its location, and its configurations. ===== Sample Response (single product): ===== ABC1 Sony Bravia LED Television 49 Bravia LED LCD 42' Television 890.00 890.00 825.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Entertainment http://www.mediaworldag.com/Entertainment_Sony_Bravia_LED_Television.html http://www.mediaworldag.com/img-bravia42led.jpg http://www.mediaworldag.com/icon-img-bravia42led.jpg http://www.mediaworldag.com/med-img-bravia42led.jpg 640 Mhz Picture LED Bravia. The image and color are perfect! Each 1 1 999999999 59.00 44.00 5.00 18.00 Calculate According to Shipping Settings 5.00 false true false false true Retail/Wholesale true false true true 1080p Yes 640 4 [% customercomments %] [% prodminqty %] [% prodmaxqty %] [% dimensioninfo %] [% weightinfo %] [% customfields %] Choose Color Choose the Color for your LED TV true Radio List Retail/Wholesale Extended Warranty Choose your Extended Warranty Package true Drop-down Retail/Wholesale ===== Response Fields ===== ^ Tag Name ^ Sub-Tag Of ^ Description ^ Returned ^ Field Type ^ Can Repeat ^ | Product | ProductQueryRs | The Product's Node | Always | Node | True | | SKU | Product | The Product's SKU Identifier | Always | String | False | | Name | Product | The Product's Name | Always | String | False | | F3ID | Product | The Internal ID for the Product | Always | Number | False | | UPC | Product | The Product's UPC Code | Always | String | False | | Description | Product | The Product's Description | Always | String | False | | RetailPrice | Product | The Product's Regular Price | * If PriceByQty is not active | Amount | False | | SalePrice | Product | The Product's Sale Price | * If PriceByQty is not active | Amount | False | | WholesalePricing | Product | Node for Wholesale Price Levels | * If PriceByQty is not active | Node | False | | PriceLevel1 | WholesalePricing | Wholesale Price Level 1 | Always | Amount | False | | PriceLevel2 | WholesalePricing | Wholesale Price Level 2 | Always | Amount | False | | PriceLevel3 | WholesalePricing | Wholesale Price Level 3 | Always | Amount | False | | PriceLevel4 | WholesalePricing | Wholesale Price Level 4 | Always | Amount | False | | PriceLevel5 | WholesalePricing | Wholesale Price Level 5 | Always | Amount | False | | PriceByQty | Product | Price Varies by Qty Node | * If Active Only | Node | False | | ColumnFormat | PriceByQty | The Price By Qty Column Format | * If PriceByQty active | String:\\ "2-Columns"\\ "1-Column"\\ "1-Column with Drop-down" | False | | Level | PriceByQty | The PriceByQty Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Node | True | | FromQty | PriceByQty->Level | The 'From' Qty for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Number | False | | ToQty | PriceByQty->Level | The 'To' Qty for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Number | False | | RetailPrice | PriceByQty->Level | The Retail Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel1 | PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 1 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel2 | PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 2 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel3 | PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 3 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel4 | PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 4 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel5 | PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 5 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | SetupFee | Product | The Product's Setup Fee | * If Active | Amount | False | | Category | Product | The Product's Category Path (in full) | Always | String\\ Format: Category->SubCategory | False | | QtyInStock | Product | The Product's Quantity on Hand (Inventory QTY) | * If Active | Number | False | | ProdURL | Product | The Product Page URL | Always | String (URL) | False | | MetaTags | Product | Meta Tags Node | * If Active Only | Node | False | | MetaTitle | MetaTags | The Products 'Title' Meta Tag | * If Active | String | False | | MetaDescription | MetaTags | The Products 'Description' Meta Tag | * If Active | String | False | | MetaKeywords | MetaTags | The Products 'Keywords' Meta Tag | * If Active | String | False | | Image | Product | The Product's Full-size Image | Always | String (URL) | False | | ImageThumb | Product | The Product's Thumbnail Image | Always | String (URL) | False | | ImageMed | Product | The Product's Medium Image | Always | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage1 | Product | The Product's 1st Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage2 | Product | The Product's 2nd Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage3 | Product | The Product's 3rd Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage4 | Product | The Product's 4th Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage5 | Product | The Product's 5th Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalImage6 | Product | The Product's 6th Additional Picture | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | AdditionalDesc | Product | The Product's Additional Description | Always | String | False | | Unit | Product | The Product's Unit of Measure | Always | String | False | | MinOrderQty | Product | The Product's Retail Minimum Order Qty | Always | Number | False | | MaxOrderQty | Product | The Product's Retail Maximum Order Qty | Always | Number | False | | MinOrderQtyW | Product | The Product's Wholesale Minimum Order Qty | Always | Number | False | | MaxOrderQtyW | Product | The Product's Wholesale Maximum Order Qty | Always | Number | False | | Dimensions | Product | Dimensions Node | Always | Node | False | | Weight | Dimensions | The Product's Weight | Always | Number | False | | Length | Dimensions | The Product's Length | Always | Number | False | | Width | Dimensions | The Product's Width | Always | Number | False | | Height | Dimensions | The Product's Height | Always | Number | False | | ShipMethod | Product | The Product's Shipping Calculation Method | Always | String:\\ "Calculate According to Shipping Settings"\\ "Fixed Shipping"\\ "Free Shipping" | False | | HandlingFee | Product | The Product's Handling Fee | Always | Amount | False | | ShipsSeparately | Product | Specifies if the Product 'Ships Separately' | Always | Boolean: \\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | Taxable | Product | Specifies if the Product is State or VAT Taxable | Always | "true"\\ "false" | False | | GSTExempt | Product | Specifies if the Product GST Exempt | Always | "true"\\ "false" | False | | PSTExempt | Product | Specifies if the Product PST Exempt | Always | "true"\\ "false" | False | | VATRate | Product | Specifies the Product's VAT-Inclusive Rate | * If Taxable is 'false' | Percentage Value | False | | AvgCost | Product | Specifies the Product's Avg. Cost | * If Active | Amount | False | | Visibility | Product | Specifies 'Show Product On' Field | Always | String:\\ "Retail/Wholesale"\\ "Retail"\\ "Wholesale"\\ "Hidden" | False | | DownloadableFile | Product | Specifies the Downloadable Product file | * If Active | String (URL) | False | | ProductIcons | Product | Product Icons Node | Always | Node | False | | Bargain | ProductIcons | Specifies if the 'Bargain' icon is enabled | Always | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | GreatIdea | ProductIcons | Specifies if the 'Great Idea' icon is enabled | Always | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | HotDeal | ProductIcons | Specifies if the 'Hot Deal' icon is enabled | Always | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | ShipsFast | ProductIcons | Specifies if the 'Ships Fast' icon is enabled | Always | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | CustomFields | Product | Custom Fields Node | * If Active | Node | False | | $CustomField | CustomFields | Specifies each active Custom Field and its Value | * If Active | String | True | | InfoTabs | Product | Product Info Tabs Node | * If Active | Node | False | | $TabName | InfoTabs | Specifies each active Tab and its Contents | * If Active | String | True | | ProductOptions | Product | Product Options Node | * If Active | Node | False | | OptionCategory | ProductOptions | Option Category or 'Group of Options' Node | * If 'ProductOptions' Active | Node | True | | Name | OptionCategory | The Option Category Name | * If OptionCategory active | String | False | | Description | OptionCategory | The Option Category Description | * If OptionCategory active | String | False | | Image | OptionCategory | The Option Category Image | * If OptionCategory active | String (URL) | False | | FirstOption | OptionCategory | Specifies if the 'First Option' in this Option Category can be ordered | * If OptionCategory active | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | DisplayMethod | OptionCategory | Specifies how the Option Category is Displayed | * If OptionCategory active | String:\\ "Drop-Down"\\ "Radio List"\\ "Checkbox"\\ "Qty Fields" | False | | PricingMethod | OptionCategory | Specifies how the Option's Pricing is Used | * If 'DisplayMethod' is 'Qty Fields' | String:\\ "Use Products + Options"\\ "Use Options Only"\\ "Use Products Pricing for Each Option"\\ | False | | Option | OptionCategory | Each Option's Node | * If Active | Node | True | | SKU | Option | The Option's SKU | * If 'Option' is active | String | False | | Name | Option | The Option's Name | * If 'Option' is active | String | False | | HasQuestion | Option | Specifies if the Option is used as a 'Question' | * If 'Option' is active | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | QuestionRequired | Option | Specifies if the 'Question' is Required | * If 'HasQuestion' is active | Boolean:\\ "true"\\ "false" | False | | Description | Option | The Option's Description | * If 'HasQuestion' is NOT active | String | False | | Question | Option | The Option's Question Text | * If 'HasQuestion' is active | String | False | | AdditionalDescription | Option | The Option's Additional Description | * If 'Option' is active | String | False | | Image | Option | The Option's Image | * If 'Option' is active | String (URL) | False | | UPC | Option | The Option's UPC | * If 'Option' is active | String | False | | QtyInStock | Option | The Option's Quantity On Hand (Inventory QTY) | * If Active | Number | False | | PriceVariation | Option | The Option's Retail Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel1 | Option | The Option's Price Level 1 Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel2 | Option | The Option's Price Level 2 Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel3 | Option | The Option's Price Level 3 Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel4 | Option | The Option's Price Level 4 Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel5 | Option | The Option's Price Level 5 Price Variation | * If 'Option' is active | Amount | False | | PriceByQty | Option | Option's Price Varies by Qty Node | * If Active Only | Node | False | | ColumnFormat | Option->PriceByQty | The Price By Qty Column Format | * If PriceByQty active | String:\\ "2-Columns"\\ "1-Column"\\ "1-Column with Drop-down" | False | | Level | Option->PriceByQty | The PriceByQty Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Node | True | | FromQty | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The 'From' Qty for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Number | False | | ToQty | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The 'To' Qty for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Number | False | | RetailPrice | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Retail Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel1 | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 1 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel2 | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 2 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel3 | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 3 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel4 | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 4 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | PriceLevel5 | Option->PriceByQty->Level | The Price Level 5 Price for this Level Node | * If PriceByQty active | Amount | False | | Dimensions | Option | Dimensions Node | Always | Node | False | | Weight | Option | The Option's Weight | Always | Number | False | | Length | Option | The Option's Length | Always | Number | False | | Width | Option | The Option's Width | Always | Number | False | | Height | Option | The Option's Height | Always | Number | False |